Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why live a life?

Who's to say any thing even exsists? Ghosts, God, Zombies, Vampires, an afterlife, any of that shit! Who gets to say that its not real? Why can't we ever know? There are so many questions that we well never get answers to.
Do we ignore things that we don't wish to believe in, or are to scared to believe in? Are we all just numbers? I mean...we all have a social security number, so are we all just numbers? Is there a fucking afterlife? What about ghosts?
So many people have ghost stories and stories about seeing and talking to God, and dying for a little bit and then coming back and some of them are believeable, but I'm still not convinced of any of these things.
Is religion just a grown up fairytale so some of us can sleep at night?
If there is a God why is there suffering? WHY THE FUCK DOES MY BEST FRIEND HAVE A FATAL LUNG DISEASE? Why is there so much bad in the world? I cannot fucking stand it when religious people say bad things happen to people because it was their bad karma, because they deserved it. But when something bad happens to them, its just God testing them.
Are we even here? When you look at a speck of dust, maybe you are looking in on a whole other crazy world full of magic and wonder, or maybe someone is looking in on us. What if this IS the afterlife?
Where does time go?
There are so many people in this world that you mean nothing. If you dissapear only family and friends will be deeply affected. And they are not a big portion of the world. Not too many people fucking care about you. There are so many of us, and people are just run off of their own selfish needs that they don't give a shit about you.
Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are just stories, so why isn't the Bible just a story?


  1. *pokes* This is Sammy/Graverobber(ette)/Your Fellow Sac Muffin, just so you know. =)

    This is only my opinon, but I don't think that there is any kind of God or afterlife. The jury's still out on Ghosts, for me, but that's because I've never been affected by one. It could just be the mind playing tricks on you, spitting information back at you in times of either stress or deep relaxation. But, maybe not. I need more information and experience with 'ghosts' or 'ghostly activity' to really make an opinion.

    I think that The Bible and all religious texts really are nothing more than stories like LOTR, Harry Potter, Alice In Wonderland, Shakespeare and Call of the Wild. They're all rooted in something very human, very relateable, but they're cloaked by something that we simply cannot be. Something different than what we essentially are. I mean, Call of the Wild is about a dog, Alice in Wonderland takes place in a wonderland (obviously), LOTR and Harry Potter are purely maical, and Shakespeare ranges from a realm with Fairies to kingdoms that are now defunct or are entirely fictional. The Bible is no different. The only reason it's still around today is because there were no lunatic asylums in Jerusalem. It's just like the works of Marquis de Sade; Vile, cruel, and nothing but a fantasy. But, they;'re still around because the words make an impact. It's the same with Shakespeare, de Sade, Grimm's, Camus, and a number of other literary works that still exist to this day. They make an emotional impact on people. But, most are simply too blinded by the pretty words and feigned promises to understand that it's nothing more than a story. Take Dante's Inferno or John Milton's Paradise Lost for example; Both are centered around hell and the epic battling between the characters God and Satan. Are they treated as 100% genuine truth? No, because they don't come from the original source. The original source is the Bible. For no half-decent reason, the Bible is treated as gold. Because it made such an impact and it speaks to something very human in all of us, and it is one of the earliest texts to do so, people treat it as sacred. But, they burn copies of Harry Potter when it is doing the same damn thing. Only Harry Potter doesn't tell you how to act, whereas the Bible or any religious text does.

    As for bad things happening to good people, nothing has control over it. Nothing is predetermined. Things happen for no reason. People can (and most often do) give it reason, but whatever occured had no reason for happening the way it did. Things happen by chance. Nobody can determine it, though you can try to predict it (there are only so many ways something can happen). Things just happen. Nobody has any control over the way life goes. If anyone did, children wouldn't get cancer. Babies wouldn't be born with mental illnesses or hereditary diseases, with no chance of fighting them. So, what we're left with (and what we've got) is influence. Which isn't a bad thing.

    But, I don't think any of this really matters. People make it (life, god, existance, death, disease) an issue by asking "why." I despise that word. It's not like knowing "why" will make things any different! Asking "why" is very, very pointless in my eyes. There are so many more important questions to ask! "How can I change it?" "What can I do to make it better?" "Can I help someone who's going through the same thing?" "Could I really live with myself if I gave up and stopped fighting?" You can spend the rest of your life wondering "why" and not doing anything to make your situation better. You're just wasting time. I understand the pain of not knowing and wanting to know, but there's no way to know. None. At all. So few people are willing to accept that, and that is precisely why people kill and die in the name of their religion.

  2. (part two of the above post, because I babble and I exceeded the character limit. XD)

    I wish there was something that I could say to make you feel better or something I could do that would help your friend. I'm sorry that this is happening to both of you, and her family, and her other friends. Still, feel free to call me if you need someone to talk to. *hugs*

  3. Thank you so much....I love you <3 I love all of what you said. hehe and i love you for taking the time to say it. <3

  4. Hey Loonymoony:
    Just read your blog and loved the questions you are asking! I know what it is like to ask those types of questions and not get answers, it is incredibly frustrating. I had many of the same questions and I was able to do some good research at University and found some great answers, especially about the Bible, God and life. I know that there are a lot of theories out there, but after looking at a lot of them (I had a Philosophy of Human Existence class that required me to write a paper on the existence and theories of God), the only one that made any sense was Christianity. Yeah, there are a lot of messed up people who make Christianity into something that it is not and give it a terrible reputation. For that I am ashamed and sorry! However, when I looked at the life of Jesus and really investigated if the Bible correctly recorded the things that he said I could not help but realize that his teachings were radical and the Bible is an accurate recording of what he said and did. It is more than a story like Harry Potter or LOTR, it is an account of God, the living and active creator of this world, speaking to man, involving himself in this world and our lives.

    The cool thing is that Christianity, at its heart, is simply a relationship with God as represented by Jesus. People have turned it into a bunch of do's and don'ts and laws and regulations, but that is not what Jesus is about. He says that all the laws, rules and regulations can be summed up and obeyed by loving God and loving others. Not that this is an easy thing to do, or that those who call themselves Christians have mastered this yet. That is why this life is so amazing though. We get to live a life of loving God our creator. He knows us better than we know ourselves because he created us and he loves us unconditionally. No matter who we are, what we have done or said, he loves us! What could be better than living a life for someone like that? So, that is why I live my life, to love God and to love others.

    You have a ton of other questions in your post about the afterlife, what about ghosts, why do bad things happen, are we even here, etc. I would love to talk to you about those things and give you my take on them from a Biblical perspective if you are interested.
